The Hermanas in our Zone ! |
Bus ride selfies ! |
A favorite new roomie ! |
Four Hermanas on one Hammock !? |
Wow! What a week! Well, we had to move out of our house this week. Our old house just was't in the best location... so we are staying with the other sisters in our ward until we move into our other house next week! It has been so fun! Hermana Frost has been really sick, and then Hermana Infante fell and hurt her ankle really bad this week so she has crutches and a cast. It has been really fun being with them but I feel really bad!
I spoke in church AGAIN! Hermana Infante was going to talk but when she got hurt she had to go to the hospital.. and the bishop decided I should talk! I actually loved it a lot. I enjoy speaking in church now! Who would have known that would happen. I talked about showing our faith by our actions and invited the ward to share their faith by inviting someone they know to go to their houses to listen to a message from us. We did it that night with the bishop's parents, and there is another member who invited us to teach her brother-in- law and her neice this week.. i am so excited! This ward is AMAZING.
MIRIAN GOT BAPTISED! Yay, I am so excited for her! Also, there are some elders in our zone that were teaching a boy who is the same age as her that moved to our ward on Thursday and he was going to get baptized on Saturday, so he got baptized with her! It was really cool. All of us, the missionaries, sang the primary song "When I am Baptized" But in Spanish, of course. The spirit was very strong and I enjoyed the baptism a lot. I am so excited for Mirian. She is so shy, and so is Edgar, the other kid who got baptized, but they were just so happy and glowing with light.
What else was awesome that happened this week? We found a few more families and we are so excited to teach them! Gerardo is doing okay... we visited him this week and I was trying so hard to take him seriously. He has been praying REALLY hard for an answer, and he told us this week that he got one. He told us that he had a dream with the virgin Guatalupe and that she told him he could get baptized further on... oh man. I mean, I've never recieved an answer like that.. but I guess we all recieve them in our own ways!
Well, there are changes on Sunday and I am SO NERVOUS! I don't want to get changed! I love this ward, I love my companion, and I love all of the recent converts here!
Remember how last week I wrote about us all kneeling and praying? Well, I had the privledge to give the prayer today in zone meeting. Man, the spirit is always so strong in our meetings! This week our zone all had a pretty hard week, so instead of doing practice lessons for investigators, we just taught one another. It is so amazing to see how much love we have for each other. Our zone leader told us that we are an army, and that we are not going to let anyone get discouraged. Then we all just thought about how happy God must be with us. It was pretty amazing! Man, I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY. I love all of you and hope you have an awesome week!